Capture data
Capture data name
URL group
External link
Step information
Capture step
Word balloon
Company Name
Company Code
Company Pin
Title name
Target system name
Target system
Maximum number of available users
{0} will be updated. Are you sure?
Step information has been updated. Save and switch step information?
Step information has been updated. Save?
There are unsaved changes. Changes will be discarded. Are you sure?
{0} will be deleted. Are you sure?
The scenario will be created. Are you sure?
Updated {0}.
An email has been sent to the account that was entered.
Access the link in the email message body to finishing changing your password.
Word balloons have been set in all distribution steps.
Word balloons have been set in the specified distribution step(s).
There are no {0}.
The scenario will be {0}. Are you sure?
*It may take some time if multiple scenarios are selected.
*It may take some time if multiple scenarios are selected.
The border color of all distribution steps has been changed.
The border color of the specified distribution step(s) has been changed.
Select the character code to output.
{0} and {1} are {2}.
Enter {0}.
Symbols such as ' \ / : * ? " < > |' cannot be used for {0}.
Enter {1} characters or less for {0}.
Enter {0} using {1}.
This license is not valid.
Enter {0} in date (YYYY/MM/DD) format.
Specify the date so that {0} < {1}.
The values for {0} and {1} do not match. Check the values that were entered.
No matching {1} for "{0}" that was entered.
Select one or more from the {0} list.
The token is invalid. Reset the password from the reset password screen again.
You do not have permission to do this.
Enter {1} characters or more for {0}.
An error occurred while analyzing the license file. ({0})
An error occurred while analyzing the license file.
An error occurred while analyzing the license file.
Version information [{0} : {1} - {2}]
Failed to apply the license file. The number of registered users exceeds the number of users set in the license file.
Number of license users [{0}]
Number of registered users [ {1}]
An error occurred while loading the license file.
Failed to update {0}.
Email server settings have not been configured. Contact your administrator.
Failed to send email. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
A system error occurred. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
No email address has been set for this user. Contact your administrator.
Browsing is not allowed.
An unexpected error occurred on the server. Contact your administrator.
The maximum number of simultaneous logins allowed for a user has been exceeded.
Failed to apply the license file. The number of registered users exceeds the number of users set in the license file.
Number of license users [{0}]
Number of registered users [ {1}]
Invalid email address.
Select an account.
Select a sticky note.
Invalid URL format.
Enter the start URL.
Set {0} within {1}B.
Invalid file extension.
The step that was entered does not exist.
Specify the step range.
Select a tooltip.
A 0B file cannot be attached.
Currently being distributed. Cannot save.
Currently being distributed. Cannot change.
Enter the correct URL.
Duplicate URL.
Select the {0}.
Cannot delete the distributed scenarios.
File has not been selected.
Invalid file.
The export source company and import destination company do not match.
The company code of this license and login company code do not match.
Failed to {0}.
An error occurred during server communication.
Cannot delete the distributed tooltips.
Enter the correct domain.
Select a task.
The {0} does not exist.It may have been deleted from another terminal.
Half-width symbols {0} cannot be used.
The same content as {0} cannot be used.
Please enter more than {2} characters for {1} in {0}.
You cannot delete your own account.
Login method is limited to SSO. Please log in with SSO.
Please limit the file name of the attached file to {0} characters or less.
Please select one or more display conditions.
The number of characters used for AI Styling this month has exceeded the limit.
The on-premises version cannot use the AI styling function.
Symbol & cannot be used for {0}.
AI syntax analysis failed.
No {0}.
Cannot delete the distributed External Link.
Keyword assist function is invalid.
File extension is invalid. Allowed extensions are .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif.
Up to 3 images can be attached.
The on-premises version cannot use the keyword assist function.
Select a autofill.
Cannot delete the distributed autofill.
If the URL contains "*", the preview page cannot be opened.
The selected user will be deleted. Are you sure?
The selected sticky note will be deleted. Are you sure?
The selected tooltip will be deleted. Are you sure?
The selected task will be deleted.Are you sure?
The selected autofill will be deleted. Are you sure?
Copied to clipboard.
Logged out.
Show password
Hide password
Failed to communication with server.
Dojo import file
Users that have already been added will not be included in the additional users list.
Up to 100 users can be handled at a time.
Word balloon information has been saved.
An error occurred while saving word balloon information.
Show password
Hide password
The test email has been sent.
Failed to send test email.
*If the email configuration is disabled, email configuration information will be initialized.
Usage record
Monthly usage limit
SSO settings have been saved.
Do you want to save the SSO setteings?
Deleting the IdP information will disable login with SSO. Are you sure you want to delete?
Half-width alphanumeric characters or symbols excluding single quotes (') and double quotes (")
No sticky notes
Select the character code to output.
Image file
No tooltips
Select the character code to output.
Tooltip content
Image file
Half-width alphanumeric characters and symbols
Image file
The target system list has been updated.
Select the character code to output.
Please select an export format.
DojoNavi Backup
Dojo File
Start distribution
End distribution
Start distribution
End distribution
No evaluation
Aggregation start date
Aggregation end date
There are no playback history
Playback complete
Ended midway
Navi Link
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Playback count
Number of views
Popular scenario TOP5
Select the character code to output.
Row {0}:
Playback count
Average Evaluation
Personal Settings
Capture date
Yu Gothic
Yu Mincho
Japanese text
An error occurred in the translation process.
Batch translation processing has been accepted.
The translation result will not be reflected until you save the {0}.
Display conditions has not been selected.
If the display condition is only the determination text, enter the contents of the determination text.